Chapter One: Diagnosis
Chapter Two: Donor?
Chapter Three: Dialysis
Chapter Four: Transplant
Chapter Five: Recovery
From My Lens
 Thank You

I would like to thank all the folks who helped make this documentary and Web site a success. I was just the subject, the following people did all the work . . .

Hilery Livengood -- An HTML wizard, without whom this Web site would not exist.

Amber Hunt -- An extraordinary person who not only scripted much of the text on the site, but sat with me and put up with me throughout this ordeal.

Miranda Meyer, Erik Campos, Buzz Orr and David Lee Hartlage -- Without whose pictures, this site would be pretty plain.

Dr. Charles Pruchno -- A most excellent physician who guided me down this long road.

Carol Abouassally -- For calling in all my prescriptions, sticking me with needles and generally entertaining me on all my visits to Dr. Pruchno.

Mercy Medical Center Dialysis Unit -- It took a while, but they got used to me taking their pictures.

Doug Penrod and Denae DeCrescenzo - My contacts and guides at Northwestern.

And to Mom, Dad, Patty, Dick, Bonnie, Rhodes, Allison, Amelia, Paul, Becki, Cristy, Mike, Clint, Matt, Kathi, Cecelia, Christina, Greg, Jessica, Lynn, Tracie, Kristin, Mike, Sara, Stephanie, Rick, Wendy, Rich, Dan and all my other friends: Thank you all for the emails, calls and visits.

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